There is non!
There is not any present Caliph of Islam.
Yes, let that sink in!
The last Caliph of Islam was:
Abdulmejid II (Ottoman Turkish: عبد المجید ثانی, romanized: `Abdü'l-Mecîd-i-sânî, Turkish: Halife Abdülmecit Efendi, 29 May 1868 – 23 August 1944) was the last Caliph of the Ottoman Dynasty, nominally the 37th Head of the Ottoman Imperial House from 1922 to 1924.
On 30 May 1868 he was born at Dolmabache Palace, Besiktas, Istanbul, to then Sultan Abdulaziz and his wife Hayranidil Kadin. He was younger full brother of Nazime Sultan. He was educated privately.
In accordance with late Ottoman custom, Abdulmejid was confined to the palace until he was 40. On 4 July 1918, his first cousin Mehmed VI became Sultan and Abdulmejid was named Crown Prince. When his cousin was deposed on 1 November 1922, the Ottoman Sultanate was abolished. But on 19 November 1922, the Crown Prince was elected Caliph by the Turkish National Assembly at Ankara He established himself in Istanbul on 24 November 1922.
On 3 March 1924, six months after the foundation of the Turkish Republic, the Ottoman Caliphate was abolished and the Ottoman dynasty was deposed and expelled from Turkey
On 23 August 1944, Abdulmejid II died at his house in the Boulevard Suchet, Paris. His death coincided with the Liberation of Paris from the German occupation. He was buried in Medina by the recommendation of King of Saudi Arabia.
Ottoman Family:
The Culture of caliphate is still continued in the Ottoman family.
The Ottoman generation has not abandoned the culture of choosing a Caliph for a particular reign. The current Caliphate in the Ottoman family is Dundar Ali Osman or Dundar Ali Osman Usmanoglu, or known by the Ottoman imperial name as Şhehzade (Prince) Dündar Ali Osman Osmanoğlu Efendi, is the 45th Head of the House of Osman, which ruled the Ottoman Empire from 1299 until the abolition of Sultanate in 1922 and that's why he is the current and only Caliph of Islam or Caliph in the Ottoman family.

Muslim world after his Demise:
World war I and World War II left the Muslim world into a havoc.
The Muslim Ottoman Turkish Caliphate was abolished, The caliphate faced enormous amount of destruction both from inner and outer entities. The inner hired entities had ate the caliphate from inside.
Rebellion in Najd had worsen the caliphate to a great extent as the Caliphate had lost the two most holiest cities of Makkah and Madinah in it.
The Nation states blocked the way of Caliph.
Muslims of the world live in around more than 50 countries. Indonesia alone has 13% of the Muslim world population.
The Four Pious Caliph:
I. Hazrat Abu Bakkar Siddique R.A
II. Hazrat Omer Farooq R.A
III. Hazrat Osman Zinnrain R.A
IV. Hazrat Ali Murtaza R.A
May peace be upon all of them.